Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Cuento sobre el enfado y la frustración

Espero que os guste el cuento, pie si que puede seros muy útil, especialmente si recordáis nuestras sesiones de relajación en  educación física.
Puede ser buena idea practicar un poco lo que aprendimos.
Notaréis que en este cuento he tenido un ayudante...  ...las cosas del teletrabajo 🤦🏼


Monday, June 8, 2020

Last task...and it is optional

Congratulations everyone!

I have received wonderful projects from most of you!!!
Your activity books and notebooks are very good too!!!
So we did it, our   book is finished and  we have learnt a lot together.

You are ready to learn 5th grade sciences, but that is going to happen after the summer.

This week you have an optional task a drawing about your favourite science topic.
If you decide to do this drawing you can include some words or some explanations about it.
Take a lot of your book and find a topic that is interesting for you!!!
Next week we’ll have special activities because of the math’s week, so this is the last arts and Science task.

Monday, June 1, 2020


HI! This week we continue learning about polygons in maths.

You task for this week is creating any type of drawing using polygons.

I have selected some examples, be creative a try to produce something cool!!!

You can apply color however you want.

Maybe you want to copy or softly trace a picture and transform it into a group of different polygons.
That is they way someone have accreted this beautiful parrot using a computer

Please take your time to create a nice piece of art, when you finish it send it to my email LTE4648@GMAIL.COM.

Topic 6 review.

Hi! This week we are going to finish topic six.

  1. Complete the exercises from  your activity book (topic 6)
  2. Your can review what you have learnt answering this kahoot questionary 

To answer the questions from your activity book correctly you can check your class book if you need to.
I will post the answers by the end of the week that you can check them.
After correcting your answers send me a picture of the pages of your activity book to my email lte4649@gmail.com

Have a nice week!

Sunday, May 31, 2020

Valores del 1 al 5 de junio

Hola comparto con vosotros el audio de un nuevo cuento para que lo escuchéis y pensáis un poquito en el.

la única tarea que tenéis que hacer es escribir un nombre para el cuento intentando recordar de qué palabra definía como debemos sentirnos al intentar algo y si queréis podéis escribir también alguna experiencia personal sobre esto.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Arts, May 18th to 22nd

This week we are going to draw two symmetrical figures.(figuras simétricas)
You can check page 176 on you maths book if you don’t know what symmetry is

  1. Use a sheet of graph paper (papel cuadriculado) if you need it.
  2. Draw the symmetry axis first (eje de simetría)
  3. Be creative.
  4. Color it nicely!!!
Send me your artistic creations to LTE4648@GMAIL.COM
Thank you!

It’s pulley time!!!

Hi everyone! We are going to learn about a new simple machine: the pulley.
Firstly try to recognize where can you fond a pulley. You can find some examples in you book

Write on your notebook what are this pulleys doing:

Example: 1:  Lifting a bucket full of water from a well
                 2: ...
                 3: ...

Let’s watch this video and learn some more about the pulleys.

Now it is time to copy the orange box in your notebook.

It’s drawing time now!!!

  • Draw a picture of a pulley, the pulley must be part of another machine, for example a crane, a motorbike, a bicycicle...  try to be original!!!
  • Explain what id the purpose of that machine and how the pulley helps to make the work easier.
  • Label it with is different parts.

    • Pulley
    • Rope
    • Axle
    • Groove

Now it is time to do exercise 3 on page 103.

You are done, take a picture of your notebook and send it to me.

Thank you!

Next week you’ll have to build your final project about this topic.
You’ll have to build a machine or chain reaction using all the simple machines that we have used (inclined plane, pulley and lever)
As an optional task you can draw a draft of the project that hat you want to build.
You will have two weeks time for this project.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Inclined planes

Hi everybody!

I am impressed with some of your projects!!!
Some of you have already used inclined planes on your projects, most of you 

This week we are going to learn about the easiest of the simple machines: THE INCLINED PLANE

you can read some information about inclined planes on pages 104 and 105.

Click HERE to see a very simple game to try inclined planes:

And two videos about inclined planes...

Your project for this week is going to be a drawing.
You have to draw an example of how to use an inclined plane to move a load up or down in an easy way.


  1. Remember to explain your project. Example: this ramp helps to move the piano up to the top of the step.
  2. Copy the orange box from page 104.

  1. You can build a model if you want.
  2. You can film you model if you want.
This project is your task is both for SCIENCE and ARTS.
It is very easy, so put good effort on it a paint a good drawing.
Try to find some original ideas.


Monday, May 4, 2020

Arts: origami 2

Hi everyone!!!
A lot of you told me that you liked a lot making the origami crab figure.
This week I introduce you to Mister T-Rex!!!

I recommend you using a puede of papero of 20x20 cm.
A little tough paper if it’s possible.

Monday, April 27, 2020


Hello everyone!!!

I have prepared 2 videos for this lesson, that you can became an expert in levers and build your own project using levers.

Click on the link below (LEARN ABOUT LEVERS) to watch the first video.


Copy the diagram in your notebook with the names on it.

Pivot point=fulcrum

The following video is an example of what can you do with creativity and simple machines.
You will see that they use different types of levers, inclined planes and pulleys.

Of course this is a suuuuper complex chain reaction, but it is cool to watch isn't it??
Your next project is creating a chain reaction using one ore more levers.


  1. Use materials that you have at home to create a chain reaction.
  2. Make a video of it working.
  3. Explain the parts of a lever in your video.
  4. Be creative and enjoy yourself




Sunday, April 26, 2020

Arts activity

This is a very simple origami crab model.
You’ll need a square shaped paper, something like 15cm x 15cm would be perfect.
After the crab is done you can decorate it, if you want you can send me a photo.

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Let’s investigate about inventions

What is your favorite invention???

Hello everybody!

The first task about this topic consist of searching information about an invention.
You can choose an invention that you consider very important for the mankind or you can choose some invention just because you like it a lot or  consider it interesting.
You can record a video and send ir to my email lte4648@gmail.com
You can write it down instead and include some drawings.
Please send me your work before Friday 24th.

This activity is not about copying information from the internet, the most important part is you opinion.

You can begin you essay or video by giving some information:

The bycicle was invented by  in 1817 by  Karl von Drais, and was called  Laufmaschine that means running machine in German....

 For example if  you think that the bicycle is a great invention you have to give some reasons:

  • Is a clean mean of transport.
  • It doesn’t need any kind of fuel.
  • You get fit by using your bycicle
  • Riding a bike is a lot of fun!!!
You can draw images that you find on the internet or a book.
You can also make a drawing that you like, related to the invention of your choice.
Even though you decide to record a video please show or send a drawing, as an arts activity.

Dictionary topic 6

This are some words that might be new for you. Copy this words in your notebook.
If you find more words that you don’t understand you can write them down in the same vocabulary list in your notebook.


Tuesday, April 14, 2020


Hi! I've recorded a little video to present the new topic and how are we going to approach it.

video, presenting topic 6

Top ten inventions that changed the world.

Inventions made by kids, they became rich!!!
Maybe you can also create something great!!!
During this topic you'll have to write about your favourite inventor, so you have to research!!

Saturday, March 21, 2020

Thursday, March 19, 2020

FINAL REVIEW QUESTIONS updated with answers

Answer these questions in your notebook when you think that you are ready.
You can take it as a mock exam.

Unit 5 ReviewForces

1. What is the difference between a contact and non contact force?
2. Is a push force a contact, non-contact or both?
3. What is an example of a non-contact force?
4. Magentism is a contact force. (True or False)
5. What happens when two opposite equal forces are applied to a table? 
6. Write an example of an object that changes shape forever when a force isapplied
7. What is the definition of magnetisim?
8. What is a natural magnet?
9. What is a man-made magnet?
10. What do magnets create around them?
11. Why does the needle on a compass point North?
12. Opposite poles ____________ eachother.  (repel/attract)
13. Same poles of a magnet _______________. (push apart/pull together)
14. How many poles does a magnet have?
15. What is the definition of gravity?
16. Because of gravity we can lift objects of a large mass. (True or False)
17. What is mass?
18. How do we measure mass?
19. What is the equation for weight?
20. How do we measure weight?
21. What is upthrust?
22. Because of upthrust, a bird can fly. (True or False)
23. What two components influence the amount of upthrust?
24. An object with a __________ mass and a __________ volume has a lot ofupthrust. (Small or big)
25. What is buoyancy?

1. The difference between a contact force and a non contact force is that with contact forces one object orperson moves another by touch whereas  in non-contact forces the force moves objects without touch.
2. Both
3. Magnetism
4. False
5. The forces are balanced and the table doesn´t move.
6. Smashing a can, chocolate breaking
7. Magnetism is a non-contact force that pushes or pullsand object
8. Magnetite
9. Iron & Steel
10. magnetic field
11. Magnetism
12. Attract
13. Push apart
14. Two
15. Gravity is a non-contact force that pulls towards thecenter of objects.
16. False
17. Mass is the amount of matter in an object.
18. In kilograms.
19. Mass(kg) x Gravity = Newtons
20. In Newtons
21. contact force applied by water and air. It pushesobjects in air and water up. 
22. True
23. Mass and volume
24. Small , Big
25. The ability of an object to float in a liquid

Thursday, March 12, 2020



Find out how  much you know about magnetism and gravity!!!

You need your parents premission to install kahoot on a tablet or mobile phone.

Follow the link below to find our kahoot!

It is called forces, created by LUISCIENCE, sure you can find it and get a great score!!!


Upthrust and buoyancy: updated with answers

Read page 93.

Write in your notebook:

What is buoyancy?________________

Buoyancy is the ability of an object to float in a liquid.

Exercise 4 page 93

You have to indicate the direction of the different forces depicted on your drawing with arrows.

Review 1 updated with solutions

Complete  exercises 1, 2, 3  form page Page 94

Write 3 questions about the topic and answer the with full sentences.
What type of force is upthrust? Upthrust is a contact force applied by water or air.
What is the name of the force that pulls objects towards the centre of the earth? The force that pulls towards the centre of the earth is gravity.
Why the gravity of the earth is bigger than the gravity from the moon? Because earth’s mass is bigger than moon’s.

These are the answers for the exercises on pages 94 and 95.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Upthrust 2

Time to review!!

Write down in you notebook the definition of this words.
You can look for information in you book or in the blog’s dictionary.

  • Mass
  • Volume
  • Density
  • Upthrust
Now complete exercise 3 from page 93, draw a  picture in a white paper that you will paste later on your notebook. This is going to be our ARTS  work for this week

You have to draw a situation where the opposite forces of gravity and upthrust  pull against other, for example something that is floating in a river.

Draw nice details and color it nicely, remember to apply the background color softly.

Upthrust 1

Hi! Today you are going to watch 2 videos to understand what upthrust means.

Now its time   to read page 92 and  copy the orange box.

Gravity and weight 2-updated with solutions

Firstly we are going to revise a little:

Answer in your notebook:

What is gravity:___________________

Why is the moon attracted towards the earth?__________________

Is it easier to walk on the moon or on the earth? ____________


What is gravity: is a non contact force, it also a pull force.

Why is the moon attracted towards the earth? because the earth’s gravity force is stronger due to is larger mass

Is it easier to walk on the moon or on the earth? it is easier to walk over the earth

Why? the force that pulls towards the centre of the moon is smaller, so when someone tries to walk over the moon floats and lands slowly.

 Now copy the orange box from page 89 and read the explanation.

Finally complete exercise 3 from page 89, exercise 4 is optional.

Gravity and weight 1

Now complete you summary of page 88 in your notebook.


Tuesday, March 3, 2020


Attract: pull towards.
Atraer: tirar hacia uno mismo.
Balanced force: force that is opposite and
Fuerza equilibrada: fuerza opuesta e igual.
Contact force: visible force that touches the
object it’s acting on.
Fuerza de contacto: fuerza visible que toca
el objeto sobre el que está actuando.
Magnetism: invisible non-contact, push or pull
force, created by a magnet.
Magnetismo: fuerza invisible y sin contacto,
de empujar o tirar, creada por un imán.
Non-contact force: invisible force that doesn’t
touch the object it's acting on.
fuerza sin contacto: fuerza invisible que no
toca el objeto sobre el que está actuando.
Repel: push away.
Repeler: empujar.

Wednesday, February 26, 2020


Complete this mindmap structure with information and examples from the topic.

Tuesday, February 25, 2020


Explain on your own words what are contact and non contact forces.

Write examples of balanced and unbalanced forces.

You can include drawings.

Thursday, February 13, 2020

Separating mixtures

Explain the different methods to separate mixtures, you can use this structure to create you mindmap.