Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Gravity and weight 2-updated with solutions

Firstly we are going to revise a little:

Answer in your notebook:

What is gravity:___________________

Why is the moon attracted towards the earth?__________________

Is it easier to walk on the moon or on the earth? ____________


What is gravity: is a non contact force, it also a pull force.

Why is the moon attracted towards the earth? because the earth’s gravity force is stronger due to is larger mass

Is it easier to walk on the moon or on the earth? it is easier to walk over the earth

Why? the force that pulls towards the centre of the moon is smaller, so when someone tries to walk over the moon floats and lands slowly.

 Now copy the orange box from page 89 and read the explanation.

Finally complete exercise 3 from page 89, exercise 4 is optional.

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