Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Let’s investigate about inventions

What is your favorite invention???

Hello everybody!

The first task about this topic consist of searching information about an invention.
You can choose an invention that you consider very important for the mankind or you can choose some invention just because you like it a lot or  consider it interesting.
You can record a video and send ir to my email
You can write it down instead and include some drawings.
Please send me your work before Friday 24th.

This activity is not about copying information from the internet, the most important part is you opinion.

You can begin you essay or video by giving some information:

The bycicle was invented by  in 1817 by  Karl von Drais, and was called  Laufmaschine that means running machine in German....

 For example if  you think that the bicycle is a great invention you have to give some reasons:

  • Is a clean mean of transport.
  • It doesn’t need any kind of fuel.
  • You get fit by using your bycicle
  • Riding a bike is a lot of fun!!!
You can draw images that you find on the internet or a book.
You can also make a drawing that you like, related to the invention of your choice.
Even though you decide to record a video please show or send a drawing, as an arts activity.

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