Monday, May 18, 2020

It’s pulley time!!!

Hi everyone! We are going to learn about a new simple machine: the pulley.
Firstly try to recognize where can you fond a pulley. You can find some examples in you book

Write on your notebook what are this pulleys doing:

Example: 1:  Lifting a bucket full of water from a well
                 2: ...
                 3: ...

Let’s watch this video and learn some more about the pulleys.

Now it is time to copy the orange box in your notebook.

It’s drawing time now!!!

  • Draw a picture of a pulley, the pulley must be part of another machine, for example a crane, a motorbike, a bicycicle...  try to be original!!!
  • Explain what id the purpose of that machine and how the pulley helps to make the work easier.
  • Label it with is different parts.

    • Pulley
    • Rope
    • Axle
    • Groove

Now it is time to do exercise 3 on page 103.

You are done, take a picture of your notebook and send it to me.

Thank you!

Next week you’ll have to build your final project about this topic.
You’ll have to build a machine or chain reaction using all the simple machines that we have used (inclined plane, pulley and lever)
As an optional task you can draw a draft of the project that hat you want to build.
You will have two weeks time for this project.

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