Sunday, May 31, 2020

Valores del 1 al 5 de junio

Hola comparto con vosotros el audio de un nuevo cuento para que lo escuchéis y pensáis un poquito en el.

la única tarea que tenéis que hacer es escribir un nombre para el cuento intentando recordar de qué palabra definía como debemos sentirnos al intentar algo y si queréis podéis escribir también alguna experiencia personal sobre esto.

Monday, May 18, 2020

Arts, May 18th to 22nd

This week we are going to draw two symmetrical figures.(figuras simétricas)
You can check page 176 on you maths book if you don’t know what symmetry is

  1. Use a sheet of graph paper (papel cuadriculado) if you need it.
  2. Draw the symmetry axis first (eje de simetría)
  3. Be creative.
  4. Color it nicely!!!
Send me your artistic creations to LTE4648@GMAIL.COM
Thank you!

It’s pulley time!!!

Hi everyone! We are going to learn about a new simple machine: the pulley.
Firstly try to recognize where can you fond a pulley. You can find some examples in you book

Write on your notebook what are this pulleys doing:

Example: 1:  Lifting a bucket full of water from a well
                 2: ...
                 3: ...

Let’s watch this video and learn some more about the pulleys.

Now it is time to copy the orange box in your notebook.

It’s drawing time now!!!

  • Draw a picture of a pulley, the pulley must be part of another machine, for example a crane, a motorbike, a bicycicle...  try to be original!!!
  • Explain what id the purpose of that machine and how the pulley helps to make the work easier.
  • Label it with is different parts.

    • Pulley
    • Rope
    • Axle
    • Groove

Now it is time to do exercise 3 on page 103.

You are done, take a picture of your notebook and send it to me.

Thank you!

Next week you’ll have to build your final project about this topic.
You’ll have to build a machine or chain reaction using all the simple machines that we have used (inclined plane, pulley and lever)
As an optional task you can draw a draft of the project that hat you want to build.
You will have two weeks time for this project.

Sunday, May 10, 2020

Inclined planes

Hi everybody!

I am impressed with some of your projects!!!
Some of you have already used inclined planes on your projects, most of you 

This week we are going to learn about the easiest of the simple machines: THE INCLINED PLANE

you can read some information about inclined planes on pages 104 and 105.

Click HERE to see a very simple game to try inclined planes:

And two videos about inclined planes...

Your project for this week is going to be a drawing.
You have to draw an example of how to use an inclined plane to move a load up or down in an easy way.


  1. Remember to explain your project. Example: this ramp helps to move the piano up to the top of the step.
  2. Copy the orange box from page 104.

  1. You can build a model if you want.
  2. You can film you model if you want.
This project is your task is both for SCIENCE and ARTS.
It is very easy, so put good effort on it a paint a good drawing.
Try to find some original ideas.


Monday, May 4, 2020

Arts: origami 2

Hi everyone!!!
A lot of you told me that you liked a lot making the origami crab figure.
This week I introduce you to Mister T-Rex!!!

I recommend you using a puede of papero of 20x20 cm.
A little tough paper if it’s possible.