Thursday, December 19, 2019

Read and answer.

Read pages 46,47,50 and 51 then answer the questions.

How can we obtain vitamins and minerals? By eating fruit and vegetables

What do we obtain from carbohydrates? We obtain energy from eating food with carbohydrates.

What is the benefit of eating food that contains proteins? Can help you have strong bones, teeth and help you grow. 

What is the function of fats? They give us extra energy.

what is the problem of eating extra fats? You become overweight and unhealthy.

How many times should you practice energetic sports a week? Atleast three times a week, one hour each time. 

Why is it bad to spend too much time in front of screens? It is bad for your eyesight and your posture. Do not spend more than 2 hours per day. 

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