Tuesday, June 9, 2020

Cuento sobre el enfado y la frustración

Espero que os guste el cuento, pie si que puede seros muy útil, especialmente si recordáis nuestras sesiones de relajación en  educación física.
Puede ser buena idea practicar un poco lo que aprendimos.
Notaréis que en este cuento he tenido un ayudante...  ...las cosas del teletrabajo 🤦🏼


Monday, June 8, 2020

Last task...and it is optional

Congratulations everyone!

I have received wonderful projects from most of you!!!
Your activity books and notebooks are very good too!!!
So we did it, our   book is finished and  we have learnt a lot together.

You are ready to learn 5th grade sciences, but that is going to happen after the summer.

This week you have an optional task a drawing about your favourite science topic.
If you decide to do this drawing you can include some words or some explanations about it.
Take a lot of your book and find a topic that is interesting for you!!!
Next week we’ll have special activities because of the math’s week, so this is the last arts and Science task.

Monday, June 1, 2020


HI! This week we continue learning about polygons in maths.

You task for this week is creating any type of drawing using polygons.

I have selected some examples, be creative a try to produce something cool!!!

You can apply color however you want.

Maybe you want to copy or softly trace a picture and transform it into a group of different polygons.
That is they way someone have accreted this beautiful parrot using a computer

Please take your time to create a nice piece of art, when you finish it send it to my email LTE4648@GMAIL.COM.

Topic 6 review.

Hi! This week we are going to finish topic six.

  1. Complete the exercises from  your activity book (topic 6)
  2. Your can review what you have learnt answering this kahoot questionary 

To answer the questions from your activity book correctly you can check your class book if you need to.
I will post the answers by the end of the week that you can check them.
After correcting your answers send me a picture of the pages of your activity book to my email lte4649@gmail.com

Have a nice week!