Wednesday, November 20, 2019


1 .What is the function of senses?

2. Write the three parts of the nervous system.

3. What part of the nervous system controls everything in the human body?

4. What are the parts of the locomotor system?

5. Explain the process of interaction

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Respiratory system

Hi! today we have an interesting video to undestand how the respiratory system works.

Then answer the questions in your notebook.

Describe the nose and explain its function in the respiratory system.

What is the trachea?

Describe how are lungs like.

Why is the respiratory system important?


Respiratory system takes in __________ and expels ________.

There are lots of C________ surrounding the alveoli inside of your _________.

Work finished, well done!!!😁😁😍

Monday, November 11, 2019

Questions about circulatory system

Answer the following questions in your notebook:

What are the veins? Are blood vessels that return blood to the heart from the rest of the body

What are the arteries?
Blood vessels that carry blood from the heart to the rest of our body

What are the capilaires?
Tiny blood vessels that connect arteries to the veins. Blood delivers nutrients and oxygen to the body´s cells and picks up waste products such as carbon dioxide.

What is the function of the heart?
Pumps blood around the body

Friday, November 8, 2019


Hi, I would like to share with you some videos about the circulatory system.
This content is optional but it will help you to understand how it works and to get familiar ith specific vocabulary.

Red blood cells have the function of trasporting oxygen around the human body, watch this video to learn more about the color of the blood.

White blood cells are the defenders of our health, they fight agaist anything that can make us sick.

Thursday, November 7, 2019


Write and answer the following questions in your notebook:

What is dropped off  when blood goes trough the kidneys?

What is the urethra?

What is the name of the tubes tat goes down to ther bladder?

What part of the urinary system can send messagges to the brain?

You can listen to this song to review the vocabulary about the excretory system

Wednesday, November 6, 2019


Digestive system

Draw the digestive system and label its different parts.

Answer the next questions:

Which part of the digestive stem is covered with lots of  small blood vessels?

What is the name of the waste susbstances created during the process of digestion?

What is the function of gastric juices?